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4:43 AM / Posted by Hafeez Iqbal. / comments (0)

 With a considerable success after the introduction of its N-series, like Nokia N90, the Nokia Corporation is quick to introduce its another handset named Nokia N70. The Nokia N70 looks great unlike the monotonous inventions of handsets. It has got a compact body wherein the display and the keypad are perfectly situated. An availabilty of adjustable brightness which is excellent is also provided with N70. The keypad is made better with its backlight. The handset has a Five-way navigational key. Now it will be quite weird to know that some of the features of N70 are similar to that of one of the previous inventions of Nokia i.e Nokia 6680 though these features have been improved upon. The Nokia N70's screen and keypad are well surrounded by a stainless steel bezel and so it adds to its exceedingly classy as well as stylish looks. But the steel bezel will easily reveal the scratches if there are any.

Nokia-N-99-N series

4:42 AM / Posted by Hafeez Iqbal. / comments (0)

  The Nokia N99, is it real. Pictures are floating around the net. Blogs are talking about it, bookmarks are getting interesting reviews. Social networks, are spreading the word. Faster then wild fire, spreads a fire. The speculation is end less. The true question is. Will, this phone be on the market anytime soon? That question, has been on every nokia fans mind. The answer, is still un answered. Though, some high profile blogs have reported, that the phone is still in its building stage.
Considering, the iphone has just been released. Maybe it is a good idea, the Nokia N99 stays put. What the phone offers, is still not yet answered. Though, the pictures floating around. Looks, like Nokia will be having windows mobile OS? If this is true, will this be worth buying? What version of windows will they run? Shifty sources, have claimed. That the phone, might be using a new mobile OS. Vista, which was earlyier released from microsoft. Proclaiming itself, as the next best OS out there. Another great, OS by microsoft themself. Though, vista being on a mobile phone. Will be extremely insane, and radical!
Another odd thing about the Nokia N99, is the keyboard. They seem, to not care about the new futuristic designs. Touch screen, surface touch, or anything related to not clicking. Instead, the phone has a “qwerty” keyboard layout. The general opinon of the mass media, consumer. They seem to be ok with it. As long as the phone carries wifi, email, gps, consumers seem to be satisfied. Speculating, at the other phones in the current market. It might be safe to say, the Nokia N99 will have a camera and mp3 system. So that you may share, send and take pictures. As well as download, your favorite song of the day.

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