My Visitor # :

Surfing the Net

10:47 AM / Posted by Hafeez Iqbal. /

   Choosing adult content that women will like requires common sense and a bit of knowledge about the female psychology. There is a big difference in how men and women surf the Internet. 

Men think of one thing and go for it. They are looking for specific tasks like porn, news, weather forecast, stocks quotes or sports. When they find what they want, they simply log off. On the other hand, women think about several tasks. They can look for a new book, shop on eBay, communicate with friends - and they do it all in one session! 

So when building a porn site for women you need more than just a few photo sets and dirty comments – women prefer browsing through a portal with a lot of sections. There should be links to adult personals, how-to guides and articles, photos and videos, sex toy shops, blogs, or model profiles. Give the ladies a choice and they will choose you!


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